The world needs clean energy.

Clean energy markets need transparency.

Secret power purchase agreements (PPAs) prevent billions of people from accessing energy. PPA Watch can help.
Why it Matters
Country PPA Scores

Our mission: Unlock clean energy markets through transparency.

Our climate future hinges on whether global clean energy markets can rapidly scale. But electricity contracts in emerging economies are often signed behind closed doors, slowing deployment and stifling competition. Secret contracts result in more expensive and less reliable power needed for people and industry. PPA Watch advocates for contract transparency to accelerate reliable, modern clean energy for everyone.

PPA Transparency in 2 Minutes

Watch our video to learn why PPA transparency is needed to meet the world’s climate goals & the energy needs of billions.

Scale of the challenge
The world needs more than 1,000 GW of new clean power every year through 2050 to have a chance of reaching net zero. That’s equivalent to building the entire U.S. electricity system every year for the next three decades.

Gigawatts per year

Gigawatts per year

Source: IEA

The Rankings

Country PPA Scores

Check out our data page to see how individual countries scored. The rankings are based on publicly available information on power sector contracts.

Case Study


During the 2011-16 power crisis, the government of Ghana signed 43 secret PPAs. The country is still living with the grim consequences: rising tariff rates, outages, hefty bills, and stalled deployment of renewables.

Learn more about how secret power contracts affect you and your work – and what you can do about it.

Governments & Policymakers

Learn about the benefits of greater PPA disclosure.


Check how your country scores.

Journalists and civil society

Download the PPA Watch media kit and find out how you can investigate the problem of non-transparent PPAs and their solution in your country.

Investors & Project Developers

Learn about how disclosure can reduce your risk, level the playing field, & enhance your impact.

Climate and clean energy advocates

Learn how disclosure can help accelerate clean energy deployment.